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Will the Mantis X make me a better shooter?

“Will the Mantis X make me a better shooter?” is the final question. Yes,it most definitely will. Traditional dry-fire training and even time on the range can be subjective, as it is very difficult to look in from the out side and diagnose one’s own shortcomings.The Mantis X does it all for you, tracks your performance over time, and even sets benchmarks. ‘Gunny Hartman’will drill you on your fundamentals with shooting drills such as speed and magazine changes, which will inherently make you a better shooter at the end of the day. Chris Blatherwick - On Target Africa Magazine

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MantisX Navy SEAL aproved !!

MantisX gets reviewed by the Navy SEAL and gets an excellent review and approval as a valuable an accurate training tool for anyone that wants to increase their performance with any type of firearm or any type of Sport Shooting or even self-defence

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MantisX and SIRT

The MantisX Training system can be used with SIRT (Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger) pistols. In this video, you can watch a demonstration of how to pair the MantisX to your SIRT firearm. MantisX and SIRT now provide one complete and effective training system. You can use your SIRT pistol, in conjunction with the MantisX firearm training system to diagnose shooting deficiencies, assess trigger control, and check alignment.

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MantisX New Application Features

There are new training courses available on the Mantis X app, available for iOS and Android. Take on new challenges and earn badges for your achievement - improve your shooting with daily practice and the MantisX firearm training system.

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